What To Expect..

I thoroughly enjoy the emotional and physical connections that we collect in life – a memory book of experiences that serve to enrich and fulfill our very cores. As a GFE companion, I enjoy sensual and intentional touch, nothing crazy – yet if you are so inclined, there’s a wild side to be tapped into here.. have you got the lock and key? I do not believe that a menu of services promotes an enjoyable premise of an experience, but if there are selective services that you are looking to enjoy, please email me to ask whether I would indulge. Would this be a first experience for you? I’d be honoured!



Available with hotel room surcharge.
I am happy to take care of a hotel room booking with an extra hotel room deposit.


Request for me to visit you at your upscale Hotel or clean and tidy private residence!

Boundaries, Hygiene + Payment

I thoroughly enjoy the dynamics of chivalry from pure gentlemen.. the traditional roles of male and female to be acted out meticulously..

All dates involve consensual and protected activity only, save BBBJ. Though being affectionate and warm is my nature when I feel I am in a safe and private setting, I do not particularly enjoy PDA, especially when playing in my own city. I am a GFE companion, but if you have questions surrounding particular services, feel free to email me. Please do not bite my nipples or spank me/choke me. Do not be aggressive with me in any manner and do not ask to tie me up or bind my hands in any way. I do not enjoy this. Gentle and soft supple touch only.

Please present the full fee for me in plain view at the beginning of our time together (don’t try to hide it somewhere discrete where I cannot easily SEE it) so that I may be comfortable and relaxed for our session. Higher denominations for cash payments preferred. 

You are expected to thoroughly cleanse with soapy lather + rinse at my incall either at the beginning of our appointment, or immediately before any play – I provide fresh towels, body wash, & mouth wash. Please be mindful that kissing is most enjoyable when I can taste mouth wash/gum! I would love to breathe in and press my face into your clean, and fragrant-free fresh skin.. whether your neck, waistline, thigh, or fingers.. 

Discretion & Confidentiality

Safety, comfort and discretion are paramount.

All patron information is kept strictly confidential – anything shared between us remains there. I will never intrude on your personal life should I bump into you after our session and I expect the same. DO NOT come up to me or greet me if you see me outside of our time together (yes, some people have done this and think it is acceptable). I will NOT be friendly/warm to it. Furthermore, I will no longer be available for dates in public spaces in Toronto.

As a personal rule of thumb, I really dislike and discourage gossip or backtalk and do not believe in furthering or adding to that type of behaviour – whether initiated by a client or by another provider. If you come across my civilian identity at any point, unless specifically consented by me (for certain reservations or flights needing my name) I prefer you to not address me by any name while in person and in public, and to not repeat my identity or any identifying characteristics anywhere else, even during your dates with other providers. A most cringeworthy thing is when a client tells me that this other provider is studying this, or doing this type of job, etc etc. I will automatically distrust you. Thus I prefer you keep any other companion’s PRIVATE information or conversations you’ve had to yourself. 


I am transparent, communicative, and reliable. If there is a conflict with our date I would communicate that as soon as I know, though I rarely will cancel a date once a deposit has been accepted.


Only relevant or logistical details will be discussed prior to our date – please be serious if making a booking request and provide all details necessary for us to move forward. I am not available to chit chat or to get to know one another before our time together.